PoP is primarily intended for short term use in low and medium noise level environments such as DIY projects, lawn mowing and hobby activities like wood and metal working. Single-point attachment ensures that the pressure is always distributed evenly around the ears, regardless of the shape of your head. The headband design makes it suitable for small headsizes. This is one of the lightest earmuffs on the market, making it a good choice for the young hearing protection user.
Medium noise level
Small Head Sizes
Lightest earmuffs
Hearing protection

The best personal protective equipment (PPE) that you can buy is the PPE that you’ll wear which means it must not only do the job, it has to be comfortable so you’ll wear it. That’s the thought that Hellberg has put into their hearing and face protection. Founded by a Swede named Arne Hellberg (an avid sports shooter) in the 60’s, Hellberg has since been an innovator for hearing protection making it more user-friendly and comfortable while also allowing you to hear what you want to hear while eliminating loud and unwelcome noises. Hellberg also applies this same passion to face protection as well. When you’re buying Hellberg you’re going to get quality protective equipment that is comfortable to wear.