An Introduction to Knipex Tools

Sometimes it’s a small world, and in this story of high quality tools, this remains true. Knipex Tools is practically a neighbor to Wera Tools in that they had their start near Wuppertal, Germany where Wera started. Knipex though, is maybe the older uncle having got their start in 1882. Whereas Wera has only been at it since 1939. That’s OK though, each toolmaker has their niche and Knipex and Wera can peacefully coexist as they each have their target tool user.

Knipex started in 1882 when Carl Gustav Putsch set up shop in his family home. He and his two apprentices began their tool empire, much like Klein Tools, by making pliers. The company grew and by the 1950s Knipex was an official trademark in Germany and a market leader for tools in Europe.

Today Knipex is known for, among other things, their pliers and especially their Alligator, Cobra and Cobolt tools are all widely recognized as quality tools for their respective jobs. The Alligator pliers are more or less standard tongue and groove pliers and have a really smooth sliding motion to get the jaws where you need to easily. They typically have at least nine adjustment settings. Cobras on the other hand are sort of like tongue and groove pliers, except they can be adjusted with the push of a button to get the jaw where you want it. Knipex’s Cobolt tool is an excellent quality bolt cutting tool sold in an incredible variety of sizes. Although Knipex is well known for these, they also make many, many other quality tools and it’s well worth your time to look through their catalog on our site. All of Knipex’s tools are solid pieces of work and made to fit the most rigorous standards put forth by German manufacturers and we’re proud to be able to sell them to you.

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